Under the motto “Stay in the moment“, Fabric London joins the initiative of other major European clubs to ban taking photos or videos at their parties

Fabric London has added a new policy regarding their events. This is none other than prohibiting those attending your events from taking photos or videos in order for them to enjoy the moment. This new measure has been announced less than a month after its reopening, which will take place on July 23. This is a rule that other clubs like Berghain in Berlin or Shelter in Amsterdam, among others, took a long time ago. It is a strict policy that seeks to create an atmosphere without a telephone so that they can enjoy music.

In reference to this, Fabric London manager Cameron Leslie commented: “Fabric has always had a no-camera policy, but as camera phones proliferated it became more difficult to enforce and we became a little lax about it. Moving forward, we want to re-emphasize politics to encourage people to stay in the moment, protect the dance floor experience, and avoid the stress or anxiety of social media. It’s about respecting the event, the artists and fellow dancers.”

How could it be otherwise, this new measure by Fabric London has opened a debate among the most purists of the clubbing scene who are happy about it with those who doubt whether this new policy will be strictly enforced. This is something that only time will judge and will show whether this measure taken by the club was positive or negative. For the moment, the London club will reopen its doors on the last weekend of July, between the 23rd and the 25th with a 42-hour marathon with various styles of music, although with a line up yet to be revealed. 

[Via Beat&Mix]


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